Hello, my people! How are you?
Hoje eu trago para vocês um dos layouts que confeccionei para o meu álbum de casamento e com ele irei participar do desafio Pineapple Dream, do Blog White With 1.
Today I bring
you one of the layouts that I made for my wedding album and with it I
will participate in the challenge Pineapple Dream from Blog White With 1.
Eu confeccionei essa página utilizando a técnica do pergamano (uma das minhas paixões...) e fiz uma composição com alguns recortes feitos com o furador de coração, representando uma "chuva de amor" caindo sobre o guarda chuva, o qual enfeitei com um pequeno laço de fita. Escolhi essa imagem na internet para ser feita com essa bela técnica para combinar com a sessão de fotos que fiz durante o dia do meu matrimônio.
I made this page using the technique of the parchment (one of my passions ...) and I made a composition with some cuts made with the heart punch, representing a "rain of love" falling on the umbrella, which I adorned with a small ribbon bow. I chose this image on the internet to be done with this beautiful technique to match the photo session I did on the day of my marriage.
Para finalizar, acrescentei o título da página que fora recortado na Silhouette e adornado com Stickles da Ranger na cor amarela. Acrescentei também algumas meia pérolas no desenho do guarda chuva e pronto! Eu amei o resultado! Espero que vocês gostem tanto quanto eu e que inspirem vocês de alguma maneira.
To conclude, I added the title of the page that was trimmed in Silhouette and adorned with Stickles by Ranger in color yellow. I also added some half pearls in the umbrella design and that's it! I loved the result! I hope you like it as much as I do and inspire you in some way.
📌 Se quiser acompanhar o PAP de layouts de scrapbook é só visitar a playslist no meu canal do YouTube:
📌 If you want to follow the PAP of scrapbook layouts, just visit the playslist on my YouTube channel:
📌 If you want to follow the PAP of scrapbook layouts, just visit the playslist on my YouTube channel:
Tomara que eu tenha inspirado vocês a criarem projetos incríveis!
Hopefully I inspired you to create great projects!
Obrigada pela visita! É sempre bom te ver por aqui!
Thank you for your visit! It's always good to see you back!
Voltem sempre que quiserem se inspirar!
Come back whenever you want to be inspired!
Beijocas no coração!
Kisses in the heart!
So gorgeous - love the photos! Thanks for joining us at White with 1 :)
ResponderExcluirOoown ... Thanks, Michele!
Such beautiful photos! I love the sparkly title too.
ResponderExcluirThanks for joining us at White ... with 1.
Louise xo
I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and the title details, Louise! Thank you!
ExcluirNadjane XO
Just a pretty page and beautiful bride - juts delightful. Thank you for sharing with us at White..with 1.
ResponderExcluirWow! Thank you so much, Jane!
ExcluirI love participating in the challenges!
Very pretty layout, and your photos are just lovely. Thanks for joining us at WW1.
ResponderExcluirSorry for taking so long to respond ...
ExcluirWow!! I'm glad you liked it, Sandra! I hope I can return to the challenges soon.
What a beautiful bride. Love the hearts down the side of your layout.
ResponderExcluirThank you for joining us at White with One this month.
Sorry for not responding before ...
ExcluirWow! Thank you, Tanya! I'm flattered!
I hope to return soon to participate in the challenges ...